Why can't I log in?

Are you experiencing issues logging in to your Speedtest.net account? Here are a few possible causes and solutions:

You Just Created Your Account

As soon as you create an account, we send a confirmation email to the address you provided during signup. You'll need to find that email and click on the confirmation link in order to activate your account. It usually takes a few minutes to be delivered, so if it doesn't arrive after 10 minutes, we suggest checking your spam folder or any other mail filters you may have in place.

You Can't Confirm Your Account

If you still can't find the confirmation email, or the link provided in the email isn't working, you can request another email be sent to the address you provided.

You Can't Remember Your Password or It Seems to be Wrong

Change your password by using our Password Reset form. You'll receive an email with instructions on how to do so.